Environmental product declarations and embodied carbon

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Environmental product declarations and embodied carbon


The World Green Building Council will release an embodied carbon “call to action” report in September this year. Over 490 architectural practices in the UK have recently signed a Climate & Biodiversity Emergency Declaration which includes a strong commitment to work to reduce embodied and operational carbon emissions. Suppliers of building materials and products with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) that comply to the EN15804 standard provide transparent and verified data on the carbon footprint and six other environmental impacts of their products.


In this webinar EPDs are explained and how the information can be used to make improvements in embodied carbon and other environmental impacts of a building or fitout project. The role of EPDs in product Carbon Neutral certification to the Australian NCOS Standard is also described.  


The webinar is suitable for building owners, designers, sustainability consultants, procurement personnel, product suppliers and manufacturers.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the relative importance of embodied environmental impacts of buildings
  • Identify EN15804 compliant Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and their importance in whole-of-building sustainability assessment around the world
  • Evaluate the role of EPDs in measuring and reducing embodied carbon emissions and other environmental impacts of your project.

Presenter: Stephen Mitchell – Chair, EPD Australasia. 



Green Star

1 CPD Point


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Environmental product declarations and embodied carbon - On-demand learning
GBCA course (incl. GST)
  • $ 85.00 – Member
  • $ 105.00 – Non-Member