Green Star Communities v2 People and Nature categories
Webinar 4: The proposed rating tool and the People and Nature categories
This final webinar in the series provides an outline of the People and Nature categories.
The People category ensures a broad range of groups are included in the design and delivery of the precinct, and it is welcoming and supporting of all members of the community.
The Nature category minimises impacts on existing nature and enhances opportunities to deliver new natural corridors and green spaces for positive biodiversity and wildlife outcomes.
This webinar is suitable for those looking to get an insight into the evolution of Green Star Communities. Urban planning and design professionals, architects, sustainability managers, government land organisation’s and local councils as well as current users of the tool are encouraged to attend.
Consultation on the credits and the Climate Positive Pathway in Green Star Communities v2 was open from 15 June to 15 August 2023.