Wyndham City Council

Wyndham City understands that Climate Change poses serious risks to people, business, natural environments and Council operations in our municipality. Wyndham City is taking action both to help stop further climate change (i.e. by reducing greenhouse gas emissions) and to prepare for climate change that does occur (termed “adaptation”). Climate Change Adaption Strategy (2016 – 2020) The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy has been prepared, completing a 2014/15 City Plan action to develop Wyndham City’s climate change risk management response. The Strategy responds to Wyndham’s priority climate change risks and existing gaps, and also seeks to establish a culture of organisational learning to feed into future Council work. The Strategy has five themes, which it seeks to respond to, including: Managing water use and urban heat reduction Empowering a resilient community Protecting our biodiversity Building climate resilient infrastructure Establishing adaptation excellence.


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